Thursday, March 17, 2011

Disney World, What To Wear In January

When a book tells the true unification of Italy in Messina. It was October 21, 1860 that a plebiscite

Messina A plebiscite was a vote of the people when Sicily was called October 21, 1860 to choose whether or not to annex the provinces of the north to form a united Italy under the scepter and independent constitutional House of Savoy. 24254 were the SI and the only 8 NO. In Sicily, think of the Fluorine is 432,054 against 667 against, then you will understand very well that certain results do not need comments. And some still say it was an imposition on the kingdom of Italy in Sicily. But really finish this! I loved Messinesi Mazzini and it was a peloritano an input of the thousands of supporters in Sicily, one who worked in close and secret relationship with Mazzini and Cavour. All this is wrote a book in the Historie of Messina Growing from a historian who had lived through those moments of pure Renaissance and not by a person who had merely interpreted the "story" told by others! W W Italy and Italians .... ....

Click here to view the book Growing in the chapter on the Unification of Italy to Messina.


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