If you want to see how Italian-Americans love our country, watch this video.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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Celebrations of the Italians of America for world champions Italy in 2006
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150 Years of Italy in the eyes of Americans. It tells an Italian citizen of America: Emmanuel

Dear Brothers Italian,
My name is Louie and Emmanuel are one of the many Italians who live al'estero. In fact, I was the first Italian to an American citizen. My parents were born in Sicily, but were married here in New York in the seventies. As a child, I always felt more Italian than American. Five years ago, I finally realized a great dream: to become a "true Italian." For me it meant a lot because I could be in effect a citizen of the Italian Republic. For an Italian abroad, only to be of Italian origin is not never been the same as being an authentic Italian citizen. In New York there are many Italians, but many are less than those which are viewed as Italian citizens. It is not just that I prefer to be seen as an Italian rather than an Italian-American, even the young Italian-American, over the past few years, it is very much agree with this feeling I have. The reason is simple: the identity of the Italo-American community is becoming much less positive with each passing year. When an American thinks to identity Italo-American, just think of Don Corleone, Tony Soprano, or the "Jersey Shore." I do not think the great Italian-Americans as Janet Napolitano, Rudy Giuliani, Joe DiMaggio, Antonin Scalia, Martin Scorcese, or Nancy Pelosi. But if you ask people to think about when you imagine the Italians in Italy, just say Dante, Giuseppe Verdi, DaVinci, Michelangelo, Sophia Loren, or certainly Andrea Boccelli. The young Italian-Americans prefer to be associated with the "first thoughts" attached with the Italians in Italy instead of Italian-Americans.
In America, most people do not follow the European policy. In fact, the more informed they only know the names of Sarkozy, Cameron, and Merkel. But when the speech of the Italian government, the laughs begin. According to the Americans, the Italian government is founded on corruption. "The Mafia" has its hands in everything. And certainly, the leader of this circus that exists in Europe is called Silvio Berlusconi.
In America, there can never be a leader who attacks the dignity of women, who used her position in society for his benificio, who continues to buy politicians to keep the "majority," which continues to ignore his people protesting in the streets day after day? Yes Of course! But a politician so `can 'continue to be in that position in the U.S. for so long as in Italy? ABSOLUTELY NO! According to many Americans, the Italian Republic is not a government truly "democratic." Where `the Italian court during all this? `Why does it take so long to have an opinion on these damages result Constitutional?
These are the questions that Americans have for Italian citizens. The image of Berlusconi with a big smile Puttin between fake and Obama does not help the identity of the Italian government. The cries of "Mr. Obama "before the English queen or pictures of Merkel Berlusconi be waiting for the phone conference of NATO does not help either. Let us not forget the shame called Ruby. The big American companies do not want to invest in a country with a government so `instable. If the majority of people do not believe in its political system, we believe we Americans? And the mothers who see the images of American Amanda Knox and Italian no longer believes in justice ... there longer send his children to study in Italy?
At this point, perhaps you are wondering: who cares about the opinions of Americans? But think about this: If the Americans think about `so, maybe the whole world thinks so too '.
However, we Italians true, al'estero here, not just think about the difficulties of our beloved land. In this 'very important year, we think of the White Mountains of the Alps, the beauty of a sunset in Sorrento, the songs of gondoliers in Venice, the voice of Claudio Baglioni that comes from the radio in cars of the city,' s image along the Tiber, which runs between the eternal city, the voices shouting in the stadium sports, the scent that flies from the kitchens of grandmothers on Christmas morning, and the songs of the fruit vendors on the streets of Sicily. When we think of the most important Italian real Italians us we remember Pope Luciani, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. Even if the people around us do not even know who he was Giuseppe Garibaldi.
I leave you with a poem I learned many years ago by A. Cuman Pertile:
"O dear mountains of my country,
smiling valleys, plains extended,
Lake Garda, Lake Maggiore,
Iseo, Como, I dream of my heart!
Superbi rivers that run to the sea and a hundred machines
happy move on,
Po meandering, vague Ticino,
Adige, Arno, whence Tiber divine
Metauro, Tronto, Volturno clear
gladly learn your names .
And you shine in my memory, or
ceruto Piave, with your glory ... "
" ... I want to sing many songs,
sweets or Regions of Italy:
Piedmont, Veneto and Lombardy
Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany mine!
Le Marche and Umbria, I would like to see,
Abruzzo, Lazio and coastal
della Campania, tutte un giardino,
ricche di frutta, di grano e vino.
Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata,
Sicilia bella, terra incantata,
Sardegna bruna di là dal mare,
oh, vi potessi tutte ammirare!”
Grazie per l’attenzione e Viva Italia!
-Louie Emmanuele
Friday, March 18, 2011
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Louie's Message 18 March of the Madonna of Medjugorje
Cari figli! Io sono con voi nel nome dell'Amore più grande, nel nome del buon Dio che si è avvicinato a voi attraverso mio Figlio e vi has shown true love. I desire to lead the way of God would like to teach you true love, that others see in you, whom you see him in others, you are brothers to them and that others see in you the brother merciful. My children, do not be afraid to let me in your hearts ii. With motherly love I will show you that what to expect from each of you, what do you expect from my apostles. Walk along with me, thank you.
Cari figli! Io sono con voi nel nome dell'Amore più grande, nel nome del buon Dio che si è avvicinato a voi attraverso mio Figlio e vi has shown true love. I desire to lead the way of God would like to teach you true love, that others see in you, whom you see him in others, you are brothers to them and that others see in you the brother merciful. My children, do not be afraid to let me in your hearts ii. With motherly love I will show you that what to expect from each of you, what do you expect from my apostles. Walk along with me, thank you.
(Mary our Mother)
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From Berlusconi to Helmut Kohl: achtung, unauthorized biography!
Special unauthorized political biographies. On Café Babel - The European Magazine (European journal of news, analysis and policy in a changing Europe), by Silvio Forever to The Conque .
From Berlusconi to Helmut Kohl: achtung, unauthorized biography!
Special unauthorized political biographies. On Café Babel - The European Magazine (European journal of news, analysis and policy in a changing Europe), by Silvio Forever to The Conque .
From Berlusconi to Helmut Kohl: achtung, unauthorized biography!
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A Messina appears as a monument to Russian sailors
A Messina will see a monument dedicated to the Russian sailors who showed great heroism fornendo l’assistenza alla popolazione locale dopo il violento terremoto nel 1908. L’autore del monumento è lo scultore russo Vassily Selivanov.
Il 28 dicembre 1908 lo tsunami distrusse la costa nord-orientale della Sicilia. Solo un terzo dei 147 mila abitanti di Messina riuscì a salvarsi. I primi ad essere intervenuti in soccorso dei terremotati furono i marinai russi. Il salvataggio di Messina si trasformò nella maggiore operazione umanitaria all’inizio del XX secolo.
(fonte http://italian.ruvr.ru)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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When a book tells the true unification of Italy in Messina. It was October 21, 1860 that a plebiscite
Click here to view the book Growing in the chapter on the Unification of Italy to Messina.
Messina A plebiscite was a vote of the people when Sicily was called October 21, 1860 to choose whether or not to annex the provinces of the north to form a united Italy under the scepter and independent constitutional House of Savoy. 24254 were the SI and the only 8 NO. In Sicily, think of the Fluorine is 432,054 against 667 against, then you will understand very well that certain results do not need comments. And some still say it was an imposition on the kingdom of Italy in Sicily. But really finish this! I loved Messinesi Mazzini and it was a peloritano an input of the thousands of supporters in Sicily, one who worked in close and secret relationship with Mazzini and Cavour. All this is wrote a book in the Historie of Messina Growing from a historian who had lived through those moments of pure Renaissance and not by a person who had merely interpreted the "story" told by others! W W Italy and Italians .... ....
Click here to view the book Growing in the chapter on the Unification of Italy to Messina.
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150 ° - Unity of Italy to Messina. The administration who thought?
scarce and not worthy of the name of the events organized in our city, especially because non-members to the facts, figures and events that affected many Messina those who shed their precious blood and their precious lives in favor of high ideals and in anticipation of a better future. There are key places that recall those years of revenge, revival of those years, those years of longing for freedom and just rights hitherto denied and never granted. But you see that whoever controls the town does not feel a strong desire to make known the facts and ideas to new generations that are benumbed with the conscience certainly breaks and less hassle. As we have not managed to create an event with color and light in that place from which all is seen as the beginning of the Italian Renaissance: The Way in September 1847, how can we forget the capture of Port Royal Low, there was also the place Garibaldi Messina, where he spoke to who had been a dozen years had erased the memory of Bourbon enemy and oppressor, how can we forget that here the bravery of our heroes had shown what was the real strength and value of the city of the strait, how can we forget the names of those heroes who gave their lives in exchange for a better land from offer their children, that is us how can we forget the Piazza della Vittoria and why it is called, how can we forget why the Liberty Avenue Liberty Avenue is called, how can we forget who it was Giuseppe La Farina and why he was important nationally for the creation of our nation, how can we forget these young men who was making the meal a special event where you provide a decent burial as today is abandoned in the undergrowth and the monumental cemetery of absolute degradation?? Perhaps because these things are silly or foolish ......???
Messinesi ripassatevi in \u200b\u200byour heart the words of this popular ditty:
The Citadel 'disgrace
is china's cannuneri
' cci pizzamu them banners
and the vulemu libirtà the libirtà
Shoot 'llu i the strong Andria
shoots the culumbrina
you lived by Maria Cristina
'nni gave libirtà
Shoot' strong llu 'i Andria the
spunna lu Sabbatarians
the banner and tri culuri
vulemu and freedom ...
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150, the hen sings ... And we thought
service on a large cinema and Risorgimento on Café Babel - The European Magazine (European journal of news, analysis and policy in a changing Europe).
The heroes of the Risorgimento to the cinema: it took 150 years!
service on a large cinema and Risorgimento on Café Babel - The European Magazine (European journal of news, analysis and policy in a changing Europe).
The heroes of the Risorgimento to the cinema: it took 150 years!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Lucas - The New Mille - official video
"A thousand hopes, a thousand lives, a thousand dreams, a thousand destinies strike sparks when they meet .... Out of the spotlight will move the new 1000 "
should be the motto for our redemption: W Italy!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Saviano (NA) Cup Carnival 14th edition
13-03 2o11-
cycling race AMATEUR
2 batteries provided
Meeting 7:00 am
Departure 1 · Battery 8.30
circuit 8 km from repeated several 'times,
are expected sprint,
awards to the top 20 of each battery,
and more' will be awarded to athletes' fighting.
organizzatoti: FRIENDS Padala
institution FCI
Go to the archives 14th edition of the Carnival Cup
Enna and the time it confirms a very nice race and very strongly competitive
felt by all the athletes that participate. The registration mark
290 starters, then divided into two batteries:
battery get under way in the first 140 athletes.
The race begins with a flight of six athletes who are able to slowly take the advantage.
The group reacts only manage to get some of the athletes.
worth noting the excellent conduct of the race by athletes of TORTORABIKES.COM
who stubbornly fail to put in the group head of a comrade
Romano Curcio piazzatosi then the 3rd place overall.
The race was won by the athlete Luigi Di Guida, while second place goes
Pasquale Galletta.
After the first race starts the second battery in the rain.
The competition is managed by the Team Rummo-GIANNINI-DIESSE-Busic,
hard where they can bring their captain Antonio Valletta in the sprint, where he put his wheel in front of Luigi Mastantuoni
and the athlete Antonio D'Alessandro.
Again a note, the 4th place overall athlete Alfredo Tortora Team TORTORBIKES.COM
................... .................
.................................... ....
SX.2 Pasquale Galletta ° - 1 ° Luigi Di Guida - 3rd Roman Curcio
:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::
BATTERY 2 ° by 2 ° left Luigi Mastantuoni - 1, Antonio Valletta - 3rd Antonio D'Alessandro
.............................. ...........
The sprint through the rain, the 2nd battery
............................... ... Organizers
with Ciccone G. and collaborator
after the race, satisfied with their results.
It is celebrated with the 4th overall Alfredo T.
Photos Group with the President Rufino Tortora
that you place on the 16th in the 2nd battery.
............................................ .. Group photo
group photo after arriving
Team en route to the way home
13-03 2o11-
cycling race AMATEUR
2 batteries provided
Meeting 7:00 am
Departure 1 · Battery 8.30
circuit 8 km from repeated several 'times,
are expected sprint,
awards to the top 20 of each battery,
and more' will be awarded to athletes' fighting.
organizzatoti: FRIENDS Padala
institution FCI
Go to the archives 14th edition of the Carnival Cup
Enna and the time it confirms a very nice race and very strongly competitive
felt by all the athletes that participate. The registration mark
290 starters, then divided into two batteries:
battery get under way in the first 140 athletes.
The race begins with a flight of six athletes who are able to slowly take the advantage.
The group reacts only manage to get some of the athletes.
worth noting the excellent conduct of the race by athletes of TORTORABIKES.COM
who stubbornly fail to put in the group head of a comrade
Romano Curcio piazzatosi then the 3rd place overall.
The race was won by the athlete Luigi Di Guida, while second place goes
Pasquale Galletta.
After the first race starts the second battery in the rain.
The competition is managed by the Team Rummo-GIANNINI-DIESSE-Busic,
hard where they can bring their captain Antonio Valletta in the sprint, where he put his wheel in front of Luigi Mastantuoni
and the athlete Antonio D'Alessandro.
Again a note, the 4th place overall athlete Alfredo Tortora Team TORTORBIKES.COM
................... .................
.................................... ....
SX.2 Pasquale Galletta ° - 1 ° Luigi Di Guida - 3rd Roman Curcio
:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::
BATTERY 2 ° by 2 ° left Luigi Mastantuoni - 1, Antonio Valletta - 3rd Antonio D'Alessandro
.............................. ...........
The sprint through the rain, the 2nd battery
............................... ... Organizers
with Ciccone G. and collaborator
after the race, satisfied with their results.
It is celebrated with the 4th overall Alfredo T.
Photos Group with the President Rufino Tortora
that you place on the 16th in the 2nd battery.
............................................ .. Group photo
group photo after arriving
Team en route to the way home
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Grandma's heart that today March 11, 2011 you went to heaven, pray for us all
noninna Now you're gone, leaving a void within us incredible. Suffering is immense, indescribable because you were a beacon for us, our light. Faith is the only cons that comforts us because we're only given what is mortal remains on earth and turn to dust the rest rooms from God the Father, back there where was born. Pray for us and sends thanks to all those endless, intercede with the Father, Our Lord that evil has the upper hand on us. Grandma we love you, in this day of immense pain you feel even closer, and your warmth surrounds us in an infinite yearning. Forever yours. Massimo and Catherine! We want to remind you with this photo when you were a primary school teacher to understand all of the love you gave, how many lessons you have given to many children's educational past, you mother, grandmother and educator of values \u200b\u200bthat we will have been forgotten for the rest of day in our hearts as the fixed stars which will be impossible to lose focus and lose the road that one day we will bring you back to pickers.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Enel Fault, stop the show teatrale con Albertazzi a Messina
(ANSA) - MESSINA, 9 MAR - turn the lights off''the silent voices ...''. This time is not 'the refrain of the famous song by Adriano Celentano but what happened last night to Messina before the show''Trying''with Picasso Giorgio Albertazzi, the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele, suspended, 25 minutes from the end, because of a fault zone Enel. A dual power failure did not allow him to restart in a short time the complex machinery of light and sound show. The actor after the first break, and is' sitting on the stage and told anecdotes of his long career. (ANSA).

(source: www.ansa.it)
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Messina: Un' amministrazione che non amministra. Lillo Oceano a tutto tondo su una città allo sbando
mercoledì, 09 mar 2011
Messina e le vertenze che aumentano
“C’è il Comune assediato dai lavoratori di 6 diverse vertenze. La questione dei tagli di Fs insieme a quella delle partecipate non vede interventi. C’è poi il nodo dei fondi per la messa in sicurezza che è fermo come tutte le questioni legate allo sviluppo della città o meglio, alla continua emorragia di potenziali risorse che vengono spostate altrove. C’è insomma un’amministrazione che non amministra e non dà risposte ai cittadini e che sta portando la città allo sbando”. Lillo Oceano, Secretary General of the CGIL di Messina, analyzes the situation of the city degenerated in the last 72 hours for the duplication of work disputes and towns "too long delayed and undervalued, drag without intervening." "For years we denounce and ask the mayor and the deputation of take a clear position and clear the hallway from the Strait of Fs but all we got are assurances from the general Matteoli, as demonstrated by the layoffs, the cuts of those ships and trains, had no foundation-look-Ocean . For years, waiting for an operation of defining the issues "owned" companies that provide basic services for the city as Messinambiente ol'Atm but still not be resolved. The area continues to yield any weather alert while the national government, complicit in the silence of parliamentarians and local administrators, you can not allocate resources. Still guilty silence on the issue threatens Fair today, the inability and disinterest of our directors, to be transferred elsewhere. It is bringing in disarray Messina-Ocean-go, no projects, responding to serious problems for workers, and those of citizens. Even the meeting convened for 15 from Matteoli is likely to be yet another joke if the minister will not lead to that table the resources promised in December when, in the face of yet complaint of the union, had assured everyone that there would be no cut. One thing must be clear, the business plan of FS is under the scrutiny of the minister of infrastructure, so if FS continues to cut and we are compelled to reiterate our complaints are just because of all the promises of the Strait Matteoli there ' is no trace. "
(source: www.cgilmessina.it)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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I'm a loser baby, so why do not you kill me?
Luke and Paul are two good guys. Two good people, would have once said. Meet them at the bus stop in a disaster area of \u200b\u200bRome, from the name that evokes a herb, a district far from the center - has become increasingly non-existent. Did you cross their eyes for a moment before, sitting side by side. The place? A makeshift office, put up in a jiffy. Job, contact phone interview set. Meet at 16, second floor. It opens the door to a beautiful girl, sleek. Fiber, however, with the famous little heels. Coming from the radio notes Sweet Child O'Mine , the nagging voice of Axl do not notice it, you let yourself be carried away by Slash's guitar and you think you'd have yourself a beautiful smile and a clear sky to remember. Never mind, time passes, the activity of the useless girl to "front office" as well. Jacket & Tie, chocolate in order, usually working as an agent, training & commissions. In short, what one hears is the usual refrain. Phones to your girl and you are at the bus stop. It is there that find Luke and Paul. That's where it starts to make her acquaintance. Before dozen questions, then disturbed and fascinated by their stories.
are from the deep South, Luke and Paul. They took the car and a hotel room for a week. We have six days of intense, uninterrupted conversations. They have many of their experiences, they are not ugly, dirty and with the nose ring - as they include many of the "rich and opulent," Nord. Coming to Rome with the browser that happen in a one-way street before, now there is no access. Mica are all employees Atac. So you get to the Termini Station and instead you find yourself on the Triumphal Arch. These things happen. Nothing compared to the lack of respect and balance. In the life and work. Luke has been for some time in a factory in the North, Padania honest paying taxes and producing. Worker in a media company. Good salary payroll, insurance, illness, contributions, paid holidays, meal, accommodation and expenses for travel during holidays. Never would have thought that within six months of a place so close. Since June is a walk. As Paul. Surveyor, registered in the last ten years. He has a private practice in the town of Deep South, the South that does not care and waste. Over the past year almost did not ever worked, the cost of the maintenance have exceeded revenues. Here they are then, in their misfortune. What is your misfortune. You leave the metro station and see the look of Luke lost over the window. Come down and rethink his words: "And to think that there are people who say" What a bore, tomorrow is Monday, I go to work "... I had one I these problems," comes to mind
Adriana I in the I knew well Antonio Pietrangeli. Simply replace charm, emptiness and achieving a healthy, natural desire to assert themselves. Pity then that was 1965, and "everything was fine."
Lower the flag, raise the white flag. Among those who treat you on average, those who do pranks (Squee) fuck you and professions, it is hard. And that another year of the tiger Year of the Rabbit 2010 and 2011 are years of your crap.
Luke and Paul are two good guys. Two good people, would have once said. Meet them at the bus stop in a disaster area of \u200b\u200bRome, from the name that evokes a herb, a district far from the center - has become increasingly non-existent. Did you cross their eyes for a moment before, sitting side by side. The place? A makeshift office, put up in a jiffy. Job, contact phone interview set. Meet at 16, second floor. It opens the door to a beautiful girl, sleek. Fiber, however, with the famous little heels. Coming from the radio notes Sweet Child O'Mine , the nagging voice of Axl do not notice it, you let yourself be carried away by Slash's guitar and you think you'd have yourself a beautiful smile and a clear sky to remember. Never mind, time passes, the activity of the useless girl to "front office" as well. Jacket & Tie, chocolate in order, usually working as an agent, training & commissions. In short, what one hears is the usual refrain. Phones to your girl and you are at the bus stop. It is there that find Luke and Paul. That's where it starts to make her acquaintance. Before dozen questions, then disturbed and fascinated by their stories.
are from the deep South, Luke and Paul. They took the car and a hotel room for a week. We have six days of intense, uninterrupted conversations. They have many of their experiences, they are not ugly, dirty and with the nose ring - as they include many of the "rich and opulent," Nord. Coming to Rome with the browser that happen in a one-way street before, now there is no access. Mica are all employees Atac. So you get to the Termini Station and instead you find yourself on the Triumphal Arch. These things happen. Nothing compared to the lack of respect and balance. In the life and work. Luke has been for some time in a factory in the North, Padania honest paying taxes and producing. Worker in a media company. Good salary payroll, insurance, illness, contributions, paid holidays, meal, accommodation and expenses for travel during holidays. Never would have thought that within six months of a place so close. Since June is a walk. As Paul. Surveyor, registered in the last ten years. He has a private practice in the town of Deep South, the South that does not care and waste. Over the past year almost did not ever worked, the cost of the maintenance have exceeded revenues. Here they are then, in their misfortune. What is your misfortune. You leave the metro station and see the look of Luke lost over the window. Come down and rethink his words: "And to think that there are people who say" What a bore, tomorrow is Monday, I go to work "... I had one I these problems," comes to mind
Adriana I in the I knew well Antonio Pietrangeli. Simply replace charm, emptiness and achieving a healthy, natural desire to assert themselves. Pity then that was 1965, and "everything was fine."
Lower the flag, raise the white flag. Among those who treat you on average, those who do pranks (Squee) fuck you and professions, it is hard. And that another year of the tiger Year of the Rabbit 2010 and 2011 are years of your crap.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Messina remembers being a land ballerina .... here's a video on this moment of tension experienced by Messina!
(Videos Oniro 56 - Youtube.it)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saint Mary Therese Mccarthy
Madonna di Medjugorje - Messaggio del 2 Marzo 2011
Dear children my mother's heart suffers greatly as I watch my children who persistently put what is human in front of what is divine, my children who, despite everything that surrounds them and despite all the signs that are sent to them, think they can walk without my son! They walk towards eternal damnation. So you meet that you are willing to let me in your heart that you are willing to be my apostles of love, because it helps me because experiencing the love of God be an example for those who do not know. May fasting and prayer will give strength in this and I bless you with my motherly blessing in the name of the father of the child and the Holy Spirit I thank you.
Our Lady gave this message to Mirjana on March 2, 2011. Reflect!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Seperate Monitor With Hdmi
Clip "Stella e Rizzo"
Gian Antonio Stella Rai commented on the decision to suspend the trailer for the film about Silvio Berlusconi!
Gian Antonio Stella Rai commented on the decision to suspend the trailer for the film about Silvio Berlusconi!
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The new season begins TORTORABIKES TEAM 2011 for the banner of a dinner hosted by President Rufino Tortora, who wishes all its athletes to the fun fair and the hope of good sporting results, even if they were already played three games where the team has already brought his name to the pink of good placings.
team president and captain
Rufino Tortora Tortora Ezio
a sponsor of Team
mesh Delivery Team responsible for the company to
Team after dinner
Tortora's family
"Repeated" on table "
initial greetings to ammalgamare Team
The new season begins TORTORABIKES TEAM 2011 for the banner of a dinner hosted by President Rufino Tortora, who wishes all its athletes to the fun fair and the hope of good sporting results, even if they were already played three games where the team has already brought his name to the pink of good placings.
team president and captain
Rufino Tortora Tortora Ezio
a sponsor of Team
mesh Delivery Team responsible for the company to
Team after dinner
Tortora's family
"Repeated" on table "
initial greetings to ammalgamare Team
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