Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Banger Bros Free Vids

Nature Miyazaki

Princess Mononoke (Mononoke Hime), Hayah Miyazaki, 1997: When the drawings of an author's sweet life takes shape dormant. Life, that is, that manifests itself when we stop acting mechanically and slip into the indistinct features of our unconscious thoughts, or rather, have become unconscious because buried by the "nightmare" of everyday life often filled with comfortable and free of obvious enough, vital and natural imagination.
Mononoke away from the name of the princess character, actually means Spirit of Vengeance. In reference to the gods of the forest, in the story, they turn into demons whenever they are mortally wounded by men.

The film tells the country's iron built on the edge of a magnificent forest and Eboshi ruled by a ruthless woman. The village is likely to build and firearms - to obtain the necessary resources - logging of the forest itself. It is, therefore, the story of a war between humans and the forces of nature represented by the Gods, Pets and Princess San, the title, a human raised by wolves. In the middle of the two fazioni vi è il Principe Ashitaka.

Onirica ma splendente fiaba, La Principessa Mononoke è un racconto che si apre a molteplici livelli di interpretazione. Sicuramente narra della violenza cieca dell’Uomo nei confronti del pianeta. Ma, se si volesse osare e spingersi oltre, si potrebbe immaginare quella foresta piegata ai soprusi, come la Natura stessa degli esseri umani; una Natura spontanea - la stessa del Fanciullino , del Buon Selvaggio , dei bambini di Truffaut – che usiamo seppellire, come dicevamo sopra, sotto “convenienti” e convenzionati principi economico-sociali, dettati da un sistema che fingendo il benessere, creates a deep state of malaise. That nature, ultimately, that sometimes claim revenge.