The goodness of mushrooms from time immemorial it is renowned. Also because popping "out of nothing" on the ground, they are one of the first foods to which the human being has cibato. What is perhaps less well known is that instead is "responsible for the birth" of the human species seems to have been just the goodness of a fungus.
the fruit of knowledge that transformed Adam and Eve from the semi-immortal ancestors common to humans, it was not at all fatidico pomo. Secondo alcuni studi di antropologia ed etnobotanica il frutto proibito, lungi dall’essere una mela, sarebbe stato in realtà un fungo. A testimonianza di ciò vi è l’affresco – risalente al 1200 – della cappella di Plaincourault, una località dell'Indre, nella Francia centrale. Qui l’albero della conoscenza ha le nette sembianze di un fungo, probabilmente dell’ Amanita Muscaria .

Il tutto concorderebbe con le ricerche antropologiche che rintracciano lo sviluppo del senso del sacro – quindi la nascita delle religioni – nell’uso di un allucinogeno, che spesso è un fungo (la Psilocybe Mexico, the Amanita Muscaria of Hyperborea, ancestors of the Europeans, the Soma of the Vedas in India, the ' Ergot the Mysteries of Eleusis, the Boletus of Kuma).
the spiritual-religious function of the fungi is also closely related to their healing power. Used, in fact, the dawn of time, medicinal mushrooms have immune stimulating properties, antibacterial, anticancer. They also control cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose levels. Some of these fungi, first shiitake and maitake , are easily found in health food stores. It can be added to soups.
A mushroom is therefore well worth the Eden! And I think that in principle all cohabiting Europeans can agree on, especially as the mushrooms are common food for all our tables.
Just think of the typical steak and mushrooms pie English to Ràntott Gomba Hungarian, Italian risotto with porcini mushrooms, to the Champiñones ajillo English and so on throughout Europe.

At this point, be extremely clear and the choice made by the Smurfs in fungi that live there or that of Timothy Leary than two hours after his death, eat magic mushrooms.
"Beautiful" would be his last word.